The magnificent night of Isra’ and Meraj is an important part of Islamic faith and history. Help kids learn about the glorious miracles of this special night and uncover what significance Rasulullah’s journey has on Islam.
Step 1: Research simplified accounts of Isra’ and Meraj that will describe the main events of the journey in a language that is easy for children to understand.
Step 2: Reinforce the main points with an activity.
Be sure your child / student can explain the following questions in their own words:
- Who went? and Who did he meet?
- What was used as transportation? and What gifts were given to Muslims?
- Where were all the places visited?
- When did the journey take place?
- Why is it a miraculous night?
- How long did the entire journey take?
Below is a link to an Isra’ Meraj lapbook posted by a parent on the Muslim Learning Garden Website. It’s a great activity to help kids reinforce main ideas of the lesson.